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February Advisor Newsletter


Shareholders and the Element of Risk

Can shareholders have an HSA? There’s a lot of noise around this, I think it’s time we clarify our thoughts. First, a disclaimer – we are not accountants, the client’s accountant should have the final say when it comes to their client’s plan design. If the CRA comes knocking on the door, the accountant will be defending the plan and the shareholder’s participation.



Many times, we run into a scenario where a business owner is assessing whether to use an HSA or the Medical Expense Tax Credit (METC). If you understand both concepts, it is a no brainer to setup an HSA. Tim and I have always fought to not include the “HSA vs METC Savings Calculator” on the platform because to us it’s unnecessary. In the context of a small business, I’ll explain my thoughts below.


Important Notices for February

Grace Period

If your client has a 60 day grace period and their plan renewed on January 1, the window to submit last year's claims will expire at the end of February. The grace period is the time after renewal for employees to submit any outstanding claims from the previous benefit year. myHSA allows for a grace period of either 0, 30, 60, 90 or 120 days and is customizable in the plan design.

Subscription Notice

Please note that as of January 1, 2023, the Subscription fee model is no longer available for 1 and 2 employee groups. The Subscription fee is too low for the administration and adjudication for these plan limits. There are no exceptions permitted for this change.


To share with your clients

Exclusively for our valued Advisor network. Look here in each newsletter for featured content from myHSA and our other trusted sources that you can send to your clients who may not quite "get" HSA's, WSA's or flex plans just yet.

We even have a new "Employer Resources" section where we will be publishing new content to help educate businesses on the benefits of different plans.


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